THE HANOVER WORLD REPORT "All the news that nobody reads but you" THE HANOVER WORLD REPORT RETURNS The Hanover World Report was the Kingdom of Hanover’s first media outlet, and it’s back after many, many, many years. Dedicated to current events in the Kingdom of Hanover and in other miniature polities, The Hanover World Report delighted/annoyed the 11 people who sometimes read it, with its signature tongue-in-cheek wit, stellar reporting (by which we mean dumb yuk-yuks and dirty lies), and its distinct smell of onions. After so long an absence from the Hanoverian media scene, the Report is pleased to restore, at last, this unsatisfying yellow journalism experience to our readers, who by now are mostly either dead or in prison. Thanks for waiting these past 17 years or so for the next issue of the Report to come your way. Oh, stop your griping. No, we aren’t going to refund your subscription; get bent. Better late than never. MEET THE NEW BOSS, SAME AS THE OLD...