Originally published during the lifetime of Queen Elizabeth II (February 2022), this piece is being reprised following the state funeral of the late British monarch. It has been supplemented with notations, in red italics. This reprise is being released in advance of any announcements concerning the details of the next coronation, and the speculations offered herein are just that: speculations: Open speculation about the next coronation at Westminster Abbey has always been a bit of no-no in the United Kingdom. As it is considered by many Britons to be in poor taste to discuss such things while Britain’s much-revered current monarch is yet living, the topic is regarded as something of a taboo. Tut-tutting and editorial pearl clutching over the topic may be just a bit duplicitous, however, since, in reality, such speculations occur frequently enough. It is all happening now, in fact, and has been for some time behind closed doors as the House of Windsor comes to grip...