AN HONOURS LIST On the Occasion of the Solemn Opening of the Imperial Diet THE EMPEROR has been graciously pleased to express his intention to bestow certain honours within the imperial gift upon the following: GRANDEE OF THE EMPIRE, of the 2 nd Degree* In recognition of his singular devotion, his undivided loyalty to the Hanoverian Crown, and his extraordinary efforts to develop the Electorate of Aspenwald: HMSH THE COUNT PALATINE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF ASPENWALD, GE KNIGHT COMPANION OF THE IMPERIAL ALEXANDRIAN ORDER In recognition of their constant devotion, ready willingness to assist the Crown, and proactivity in service to the Empire: HIH THE ARCHDUKE ROBERT JAMES, DUKE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF HARBURG HIH THE ARCHDUKE MICHAEL ALEXANDER, DUKE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF GUELPH PRINCE ASSISTANT AT THE IMPERIAL THRONE** For exemplary service to the Empire: HG CHRISTOPHER JORDAN, PRELATE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF BERGEN HG SIMON JAMES, PRELATE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR ...