

  THE PRAGMATIC SANCTION OF 2024   THROUGHOUT ENDLESS AGES OF AGES, AMEN. JAMES THE FIRST , Pious, Blessed, and Forever August, Emperor of Great Hanover, King of Argonne, King of Varennes, Archduke of Hanover, Prince of Inselwald, Father of the Fatherland, to Our Lords the Electors Spiritual and Temporal, and to all others present and to come, for an everlasting remembrance, GREETING: THE STATE of the Hanoverian polity was transformed, both in essence and degree, when the Kingdom of Great Hanover was elevated to her present imperial status by the prescriptions of Our Edict of Twentieth November, Two Thousand and Twenty-two. Since that time, it has been Our abiding programme to propose to the Hanoverian public certain new arrangements concerning the monarchy, the aristocracy, and the government, which have accompanied the elevation of Great Hanover from the status of a kingdom to the greater status of an empire. IT IS Our perception that the concepts which We have thus far


  AN HONOURS LIST On the Occasion of the Solemn Opening of the Imperial Diet   THE EMPEROR has been graciously pleased to express his intention to bestow certain honours within the imperial gift upon the following:   GRANDEE OF THE EMPIRE, of the 2 nd Degree* In recognition of his singular devotion, his undivided loyalty to the Hanoverian Crown, and his extraordinary efforts to develop the Electorate of Aspenwald: HMSH THE COUNT PALATINE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF ASPENWALD, GE   KNIGHT COMPANION OF THE IMPERIAL ALEXANDRIAN ORDER In recognition of their constant devotion, ready willingness to assist the Crown, and proactivity in service to the Empire: HIH THE ARCHDUKE ROBERT JAMES, DUKE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF HARBURG HIH THE ARCHDUKE MICHAEL ALEXANDER, DUKE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF GUELPH PRINCE ASSISTANT AT THE IMPERIAL THRONE** For exemplary service to the Empire: HG CHRISTOPHER JORDAN, PRELATE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF BERGEN HG SIMON JAMES, PRELATE AND PRINCE-ELECTOR OF PRINZENWALD *


KEROUAC 100 Happening by chance, yesterday, to catch the news that it was Jack Kerouac’s 100 th birthday, it occurred to me that I can well remember the kind of world in which Jack Kerouac’s centennial would have been a much bigger deal than it is capable of being, today. A full segment on the evening news would have been devoted to his life and literature; he would have been a feature on “60 Minutes”; bookstores (there were more of them back when I was a young man) would have been stocked up with copies of “On the Road”, promoting a Jack Kerouac sale of some kind in the weeks leading up to yesterday.   Minus the sex and drugs (although not necessarily the driving), a miniature polity has a thing or two in common, it seems to me, with Kerouac’s celebrated roman a clef . There is a “beat” element to even the most conservative ephemeral realm and rolling these things along their trajectory can often seem like continuously typing on a single roll of paper from beginning to end. Lif


    Originally published during the lifetime of Queen Elizabeth II (February 2022), this piece is being reprised following the state funeral of the late British monarch. It has been supplemented with notations, in red italics. This reprise is being released in advance of any announcements concerning the details of the next coronation, and the speculations offered herein are just that: speculations: Open speculation about the next coronation at Westminster Abbey has always been a bit of no-no in the United Kingdom. As it is considered by many Britons to be in poor taste to discuss such things while Britain’s much-revered current monarch is yet living, the topic is regarded as something of a taboo.  Tut-tutting and editorial pearl clutching over the topic may be just a bit duplicitous, however, since, in reality, such speculations occur frequently enough. It is all happening now, in fact, and has been for some time behind closed doors as the House of Windsor comes to grips with how bes