All the news which nobody reads but you.
Bergen, Hanover
In just a matter of moments, the Parliament of Great Hanover will
be formally opened with all the pomp and circumstance of an artificial Christmas
tree which has crashed to the ground after being knocked over by the family
The King’s Speech, also known as the “Gracious Speech”, also
known as the “Throne Speech” (there are, like, ten more options believe it or
not) typically lays out the government’s legislative agenda for the coming
session. Palace sources tell us, however, that this particular Throne Speech
will not do anything like that, so, you know, okay, whatever. Way to throw us a total curve ball, lady…is
what I said to our source at the palace before she hung up on me.
What we know for sure is that this King’s Speech isn’t going
to win any academy awards. Now that they’ve done away with the House of Commons,
all the fun parts of this ceremony are scrapped.
There won’t be the grown man in short britches and black
tights banging on the door with a pool cue, nor the ornery old git heckling him
from the opposition benches as “britches” commands the dirty commoners to
attend upon His Nibbs in the nice part of the building. There will not be the
obnoxiously loud policeman shouting at us “strangers” to remove our hats as the
speaker passes by in his Halloween costume. No prime minister, either (they
didn’t think to appoint one of those) looking pleased with himself as he
pretends to enjoy the company of the leader of the opposition (thems will brook
no opposition) while they saunter through the halls as if headed to the john.
So what’s left? The boring part: a dry speech delivered by a
middle-aged man who, himself, finds the whole idea so uninteresting,
apparently, that he can’t even be bothered to get up from his chair to do it.
Now that we’ve learned that the people of Bergen must be
burdened today with the bleakness of substance without style (when did we
become Finland?), the Hanover World Report has sent correspondents into the
streets of the capital to find out what ordinary Hanoverians are hoping to hear
from their King today.
Amanda Devane, 64, trade commissioner
“Well, come now; it isn’t as if we’re all waiting on pins
and needles expecting him to tell us who killed JonBenet, for heaven’s sake.”
Gerhardt Kruger, 21, student
“I hope he addresses the fact that you can’t get a decent
slice anywhere in this town, because, you know? You know? Seriously.”
Mary Francis Borgia Fischer, 30, nun
“I’m hoping he will take a moment to explain, in layman’s
terms, the plus and minus signs on my steering wheel since I have no real idea what’s
happening when I press those buttons. Reverend Mother tells me I just shouldn’t
press them at all in that case, but that seems like the lazy answer.”
Tom Bauer, 44, credit analyst
“I don’t know, man, but I hope the guy with the judge’s wig
falls down the steps this time; I keep waiting for that to happen.”
Tartannac, Scone
Yeah…the Hanover World Report doesn’t have a foreign
correspondent anymore so this article is going to be…you know what? I would
just skip to the home and garden section, if I were you.
Since the Kingdom of Scone divorced us in 2014 she has had
nine Parliaments. Nine. And how many have we had? Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Because
who even cares at this point? What difference does it make? Scone took
everything in that divorce. EVERYthing. She got the kids. She got the car. She
got the house. She got the website. And she got the damn Parliament, too.
And you know what the thing is? I don’t know if I blame her
so much as I blame her mother for the way everything turned out. I really do,
that conniving, interfering old cow. Glennain, man. What kind of a name is “Glennain”,
anyway? Who names their daughter “Glennain?”
Glennain never liked this family. Typical mother-in-law, you
know? Hanover was never good enough for her precious little Scone. We were “culturally
chaotic”, she said. “Culturally chaotic.” Her exact words. That hurts. I’m not
even sure what that means, but still. You don’t say that to somebody, you know?
Who says that?
Scone, on the other hand, was perfect, right? She was the “culturally
correct” one. More cultural than thou, if you ask me. Up there, on her high
horse, looking down her toffee nose at us as if she was slumming it when she married
us, you know? Whatever. We should have known when she re-labelled everything
and started rearranging all the furniture that it wasn’t going to end well
between us.
Then there was the day one of us knocked over a stein,
spilling dark lager all over her new Laura Ashley carpet. Man, I’ll never
forget the way she looked at us. An iron curtain went down that day, let me
tell you. That was the day she started sleeping in the guest bedroom and began
talking about how she “needed her space”.
Next thing you know, Glennain drops a deuce all over
everything with an act of Parliament splitting the two of us up. OK, fine, so
we divorced. No skin off my back, right? Until two years later when it, like,
literally was skin off my back. She got half of everything I owned. Half of
everything I worked for, for over 14 years. She gets half, of it, just because
we lived under the same roof for a few years. Dammit.
Well, I’m finally starting to get back on my own two feet,
you know…got a new throne, found my old crown at a pawn shop, got a group of
guys together to form a new band, and I’m ready to open my own Parliament, you
know, and what does she do? She’s out there all “I’m opening my NINTH
parliament, Hanover. How many are you on?”
I don’t know, Scone! Nobody knows. Whatever, lady. You do
you, OK. You just go right ahead and do you (as always).
I hope you’re happy with your new boyfriend, Erik. Let him
put up with your crap; fine by me. Seriously. No, I mean that seriously. It’s
totally fine by me. No hard feelings. We just weren’t meant to be. I just hope
you can see that I’m not the kingdom I was back then. I’ve moved on. I’ve
evolved. I’m making better choices and getting my act together. And I’m going
to be fine. I really am.
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